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GANESHAPARK : How to get there
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GANESHAPARK on television

Reservation is essential.
Several formulas:
The basic formula: a day with the elephants and two nights on site
The mini course: two days with the elephants and three nights on site
Eco-volunteering: A week sharing the life of Ganeshapark
Courses: over one week, Elephant therapy - Yoga with elephants - Meditation - Children Different - Mahout (See this page)
The Concept
Not really a "resort", not really an "elephant camp",
it presents itself more like a “family house with elephants”
Our motivation is as follows:
1. Live happily with elephants in good conditions
2. Ensuring that the people who are with us thrive in their work
3. Bring something positive to the people who come to see us
4. Prove that it is possible to make a living from tourism with elephants without mistreating or overexploiting them.
For the happiness of our elephants and our animals,
For our happiness and that of the people who come to see us
And within the framework of environmental protection

elephant-thérapy center
How to contact us :
Contact us by email to ask your questions : g[email protected]
To request availability, make a demande de réservation by indicating the dates which interest you, this does not bind you.
To request availability, make a demande de réservation by indicating the dates which interest you, this does not bind you.
Tél.:(from Thaïland) 06 366 800 60
(from abroad with WhatsApp) +666 366 800 60 -> Be careful of the time difference, when it is noon in Paris it is 5 or 6 p.m. here depending on the season
How to get there ?
We will meet you in the Hindad hot springs parking lot.
To get there,
From Bangkok, go first to Kanchanaburi
From Kanchanaburi
- By bus: Take the red bus that goes to Thong Pha Phum and get off at Hindad
- By train: Take the train over the Kwai River Bridge, get off at the terminus, then take the bus which goes towards Thong Pha Phum and get off at Hindad
- By car: Take the N 323 which goes towards Sayoke – Thong Pha Phum – Sangklaburi for approximately 120 km then turn right towards the Hindad hot springs which are a few hundred meters from road N 323
- On a guided tour or by taxi, ask for the Hindad hot springs.
Once there, call us (WhatsApp : +666 366 800 60 french or en english) and wait about ten minutes for us to come pick you up or, if you want to swim first, tell us what time we will pick you up.
Arrange to be there around 4/5 p.m.

A place like no other !
and participate in the “Ganeshapark adventure”
"Support GANESHAPARK. Experience the passion for elephants with Mon Elephant"
It's easy, it's free:
Just do your research using the LILO search engine!
By joining the GANESHAPARK association
Or by making a donation (recurring or not) with

Wire Transfer
Crédit Agricole Bormes les Mimosas
RIB : Banque 19106 Guichet 00019
Compte 44691528453 Clé 60
IBAN : FR76 1910 6000 1944 6915 2845 360
Accountn° 221-2-78339-3
Holder Francois Collier
Swift code KASITHBK